OLD STYLE Beer Label M 1 1 BUOWBSER Eeerrr Frog S Gin Frog 34985 PEZ Classic. Whoever gets stuck with the odd card out, the Queen of Spades, loses, and is the Old Maid! For game strategies, like how to trick the person to your left into picking the Old Maid card, read on. 33913iiC/Di: 33128 AC/DC 34961 AfGHAH WHIGS 33317 A. Once you play all of the cards in your hand, you’re out. Whenever you get a pair, place the cards face-up on the table. Play continues like this clockwise around the circle. Next, that player fans out their cards for the player to their left, and that player chooses one of their cards. The player to the left of the dealer chooses one of the dealer’s cards. For seven or more players, use two decks, but take care that the decks have the same. One or more standard decks of 52 cards, with three queens removed: Use a single deck of cards for up to six players.
Now, have the dealer fan out their cards face-down. All you need to play Old Maid is the following: At least three players: There is no real upper limit, if you have enough decks of cards. Then, deal out all of the cards, and let everyone place any pairs in their hand face-up on the table.
Whoever is left with the odd card out loses! Before you start the game, remove the Queen of Clubs from the deck so there’s an odd number of cards. The goal of the game is to get rid of all the cards in your hand by making pairs. Old Maid is a fun card game that can be played with 2 to 8 players and a standard deck of playing cards.